Thursday, October 17, 2013

Adventures in teaching a non-dance class

This semester I'm teaching my first non-dance fitness class.

It's called TigerXtreme, and it's on Mondays from 12 to 12:50.  Basically, it's a cardio class with no rules.  We like to mix up the actual exercises that we do.  One week we may be doing stations, and the next week boot-camp style, and the next week intervals.

You can check out the TigerX website for a full description and descriptions of all our classes.

I've been teaching this class for about 8 weeks now, and it's definitely been a challenge to learn a new class style.

One challenge has been learning how to do these kinds of exercises without appearing to be tired.  Part of the magic of group fitness is having an instructor who is always energetic and encouraging, so that you can find that same strength inside yourself.  In a dance class, I have mastered this skill.  Even on days when I'm exhausted, I turn the peppiness once I get up in front of my class.

But with a cardio//intervals class it's been a little harder.  Let's face it, jumping jacks and burpees are WAY less fun than salsa dancing and twerking.  Although I'm not great at it yet, I think I'm getting there.  

Another challenge has been putting together a new and exciting class each week.  In a dance class, the format is set and you just decide which songs to use.  I have to put a lot more thought into designing the workouts for each TigerXtreme class.  I've found this website very helpful with coming up with fresh ideas.

Here's a sample workout from TigerXtreme:

1. Jump Rope

  • Jump rope for 1 minute
  • Place the rope on the ground and jump back and forth over it for 1 minute
2. Abs
  • Bicycle crunches for 1 minute
  • Reverse crunches for 1 minute
3. Medicine Ball
  • Plank on the medicine ball for 1 minute
  • Squat jumps holding medicine ball for 1 minute
Work through the stations 3 times, pausing for 30 seconds between each exercise to do cardio drills (fast feet, high knees, etc.)

Add a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down to the beginning and end of class.  

See you in class! 

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