Friday, August 30, 2013

REVIEW: NHS Choices Couch to 5K podcast

I should preface this post by saying that I am not a runner.  Not at all.  It takes an awful lot to get me to enjoy running.  People throwing tons of colored powder every kilometer was barely enough to get me to finish a 5K.

But, this summer I decided to learn how to run, and learn how to enjoy running.  I mean, I'm a fitness instructor, right?  If I'm encouraging other people to try running, I should do it too.

So, I looked into my options.  I looked at online running plans, apps, and podcasts.  I decided on the NHS Choices Couch to 5K podcast.  It's a 9-week plan with runs every other day, plus it's free on iTunes.  The goal is to build you up to running 5 kilometers (or 30 minutes) nonstop.  Here are my favorite things about this plan:  

Friday, August 23, 2013


Hello readers!  It's been a while.

Today I'm gonna talk about some changes to this blog that I'm working on right now, and also some changes to my class schedule.

Until this point, this has been a Zumba-focused blog.  Don't get me wrong, I love Zumba.  It will probably always be my favorite form of exercise.  But during my blogging-hiatus in the summer, I tried several other new workouts and I want to tell you about all of them!

So, getting to the point, QUE TE MUEVE is about to become a general fitness blog.  I'm going to be writing about al sorts of topics- including new workouts I tried, interesting stuff going on in exercise science, and healthy lifestyle tips.  I'll be pulling inspiration from some of my favorite blogs including Fit Bottomed Girls and Greatist.

In the weeks to come, you're going to see posts about my adventures with the NHS Choices Couch to 5K podcast, a review of the new Les Mills BodyPump release, the story of my first float trip (canoeing) on the Current River in southern Missouri.

And I want to hear from you, too!  What workouts do YOU want me to try?  Hot yoga? Krav maga?  You can connect with me on Twitter (@bridgitbowden) if you have any requests.

But, of course...this blog is going to need a new name.  I'm looking for something creative and clever- but not too cheesy.  Ideas?  Let me know.

And of course, the start of a new semester means a new TigerX group fitness schedule.  Please, join me in class!  Here's when I'll be teaching.

Tiger Xtreme Monday @ 12 noon
Cardio Dance Monday @ 8:15
Hip Hop Thursday @ 7:00
Zumba Friday @ 5:30

Here's the full schedule:

See you in class!