Saturday, May 11, 2013

Zumba Variations

I've already told you all about Aqua Zumba, but today I'm going to talk about the other different kinds of Zumba out there.  Unfortunately, at the Rec center we only offer Zumba and Aqua Zumba, but there are several other types of classes.

Let's start with Zumba Toning.  That's right, it's Zumba with weights.  You might ask- is that safe?  The answer is yes: Zumba toning dances are specifically designed for light weights.  It's a great resistance workout for your whole body! Check it out:

Next up is Zumba Gold.  This is a class for seniors.  It's low impact in nature, but will still give you the physical activity you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Moving on, let's talk about Zumbatomic.  Zumba for the kiddos!  This one is especially important because of the recent rise in childhood obesity.  There are lots of gyms, dance studios, and camps that offer Zumbatomic.  Here's a video:

And, I'm going to end with Zumba Sentao.  Although I've never actually taken this class, I find it really fascinating.  It uses a chair for various toning activities.

Last night I got an email about training for a class called Zumbini, which sounds like mommy-and-me Zumba for babies!  I don't see any promotional materials out yet...but stay tuned for more information on that class!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Tentative Finals Schedule

Hello Zumba lovers!

As we approach finals week, remember that there is a modified schedule for that week (May 10 - 17).

Here's a copy of the tentative finals week schedule.  I'll be teaching the following classes:

Zumba Friday May 10 @ 3
Aqua Zumba Tuesday May 14 @ 6:15
Zumba Wednesday May 15 @ 5
Zumba Thursday May 16 @ 7

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Throwback Jams

Hi Everyone!  I hope you've been enjoying this fabulous weather we've been having.  I've been getting a lot of requests in my classes for songs that have been around for a while. Sometimes I forget that some of my old dances are just as great as my newer ones.  Plus, bringing back old songs is a great way to encourage participants to become regulars!

Here are some of my favorites: "Prrrum" by Coscullela, "Quiere Más" by Angel & Khriz, "Na de Na" by Angel & Khriz, and "Floor on Fire" by Lil Jon and Pitbull.  If you want to learn the dances that go along with these songs, come check out my classes: