Friday, August 30, 2013

REVIEW: NHS Choices Couch to 5K podcast

I should preface this post by saying that I am not a runner.  Not at all.  It takes an awful lot to get me to enjoy running.  People throwing tons of colored powder every kilometer was barely enough to get me to finish a 5K.

But, this summer I decided to learn how to run, and learn how to enjoy running.  I mean, I'm a fitness instructor, right?  If I'm encouraging other people to try running, I should do it too.

So, I looked into my options.  I looked at online running plans, apps, and podcasts.  I decided on the NHS Choices Couch to 5K podcast.  It's a 9-week plan with runs every other day, plus it's free on iTunes.  The goal is to build you up to running 5 kilometers (or 30 minutes) nonstop.  Here are my favorite things about this plan:  

1. Music

  • The podcast's music is GREAT! It's a good tempo to set your pace, and it's up-beat to keep you motivated.  

2. Laura, the trainer

  • The podcast is narrated by a trainer named Laura.  I really liked that she explains the whole workout at the beginning of the podcast.  That way, you know what's coming.  She also provides encouragement to keep going and tips to improve your form throughout the podcasts.  

3. Incremental running plan

  • In the past when I've tried running, I've measured my progress in miles.  As in "today I will run one mile, and tomorrow I will run two."  That is too much for a beginner runner.  Instead, you should measure your progress in time.  As in, "today I will run for 2 minutes and tomorrow I will run for 3."  That way, you don't get exhausted and quit early.  The NHS Couch to 5K plan starts with small intervals of running and walking, and gradually increases your time running until you can run for 30 minutes without stopping.  

4. Extra online resources

  • The podcast was produced by the National Health System.  If you go to the website, you can find all sorts of health and fitness tips.  
In short, I would highly recommend this podcast for anyone who wants to start running, but doesn't know how.  I ended up being able to run for a full 30 minutes, and about 3 miles by the end of the 9 weeks.  

And if I can do it, I know you can too! 

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